Not his age or occupation

Not his age or occupation
Obama Salutes America

Not his age or occupation

Not his age or occupation
Obama Salutes America

Not his age or occupation

Not his age or occupation
Obama Salutes America

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Is Mag-Lev For Real? Magnetic Levitation Train?

YES...Mag-Lev is for real?  Magnetic Levitation Trains are in use in China and Japan.  The one that
Americans WONDER ABOUT is the high-speed underground secret train that the government allegedly uses to transport elites such as Area 51 scientists.

There is an airliner that drops the crew daily, it is said.  Another rumor holds that the Bellagio Casino and Hotel has an elevator that goes down to allow military brass to enter the Mag-Lev terminal underground for a fast trip to Area 51 or perhaps Los Alamos.  Cracks people up to see several videos of elevators on Youtube at Bellagio displaying the buttons like ONE will say "BASEMENT MAG-LEV TRAIN".
The wise guys even pretend they are elevator lovers and sport the brand of elevator.
There is all sorts of convincing technology and this train is LONG OVERDUE so that it SHOULD have been operational in the 1960s or 1970s at the latest.  There are lots of ONLINE maps that show connections as far south as Chihuahua, Mexico with most in Nevada, New Mexico and Arizona.
One mentions a connection with Catalina Island off California. All this is PURE SPECULATION. Sometimes a "whistleblower" like Phil Schneider will appear but they NEVER give details like Schneider who exaggerated.  These speakers at UFO events are vague and generalized and never very specific about the Mag-Lev. Of course, the DEADNESS of Phil Schneider is enough to make anyone SANE vague and generalized and never very specific. One says he is friends with KELLY which humorously makes him a Kelly's Hero...But his topic "soup" as it were is "Alien Technology" and the aliens never really "do" Mag-Lev but fiber optic, IC chips (Integrated Circuit) and other is mentioned.
Hillary Rodham Clinton, Bill Clinton,economist Harry Binswanger,Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein, Charlie Daniels,Ambassador Chris Stevens,Sean Smith, Sean Connery, Sean Smith,Tyrone Woods,Glen Doherty,Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Trey Gowdy,IRS Commissioner John (Unfired) Koskinen, Lois Lerner,Steve Stockman, Tom Coburn,Christian Lander, Myles Valentin, Vanessa Van Jones, J.J. Green, ICE spokesperson Gillian Christensen, Pavlov and Skinner,President Reagan ,Gabriel Syme ,Lucian Gregory,Gnome Chesterton,Rosamond,Martin Gardner,Orson Welles,Jerome Hellman,Arthur P. Jacobs, Leslie Bricusse,Peter Buckman ,Glyn Dearman,Michael Hadley, Natasha Pyne ,Edward de Souza ,Marquis de St. Eustache,Geoffrey Palmer,Arnold Palmer,Neil Gaiman,Margery Forester,Cawthorn, James; Michael, Moorcock,John Grant ,Sonja West, C.S. Lewis,Capt. Francesco Schettino,Mohammad Shafia, Tooba Yahya,Zainab, Sahar,Geeti,Rona Amir ,Mohammad,Hamed,Joe Mayerthorpe, Sawyer Clarke Robison,Michael Robinson,Mark Kane,Taranis Johnson,Bob Fraser,George Fraser,Philip Dunne, Nigel Whitehead, Group Managing Director of BAE Systems,Ann Romney,Cindy McCain,Tipper Gore,Teresa Heinz Kerry,Cassie Murdoch ,conservative columnist William Safire,Jonathan Chait , Walter White, Todd Lodwick , Sen. Mitch McConnell,John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid ,Rick Santelli, Donald “D” Taylor, Rick Santelli,Zell Miller,radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh ,Mary Rakovich ,Benjamin Franklin

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